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Clearly Misunderstood

Poet's Notes

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Written 2nd December 2024

Flash Poetry Challenge (3) - Oxymoron - Mark Toney's Blog 



Some years ago I met a young lady Looked unhappy, a definite maybe I also found her pretty ugly too Never smiled or interacted with you. One day came modification in her She chatted and laughed as never before With a glow in her eyes, a smile mile wide And a happiness she just could not hide. The reason for the turnaround I found She’d been alike a prisoner, housebound On edge, just in case her shackler appeared She’d come to find sense and run from her fears. So I had clearly misunderstood her Which taught me a lesson that I deserved Never to judge anyone on their looks One doesn’t foresee who’s on tenterhooks. The young lady’s fabulous, honestly It shows how disfiguring fear can be Happiness is the ruby in one’s crown Especially to a girl around town.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 12/16/2024 9:19:00 AM
Nice- a good message
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/16/2024 12:20:00 PM
Thank you Paige… Beryl
Date: 12/9/2024 8:05:00 AM
Beryl, a wonderful story you tell. Many people do suffer all kinds of imprisonment and fear for a variety of reasons and it's good that we sometimes get to see freedom and recovery from it. Nicely told and what you say applies to all kinds of situations. Smiles!!
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/9/2024 9:29:00 AM
Thank you Duke, it’s a true story that taught me not to form an opinion of someone at first meeting, no one knows what someone is going through. Smiles returned… Beryl
Date: 12/5/2024 9:33:00 AM
Thank you for supporting my Flash Poetry Challenge, Beryl. Your thought-provoking poem teaches, `Never judge anyone on their looks' and, "how disfiguring fear can be."
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/5/2024 1:39:00 PM
Thank you Mark, I enjoyed entering both of your flash Poetry Challenges, great fun… Beryl
Date: 12/5/2024 12:24:00 AM
This write is touching and clearly and cleverly tells us how badly we misjudge people, a step back for humankind to think and reinterpret their faulty judgements is necessary, another fave, great poetry Beryl. Congrats galore on your terrific inclusion in Poetry Soup's new Anthology - Radiant Verses. BLESSINGS AND HUGS JENNIFER.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/5/2024 1:36:00 PM
Thank you Jennifer for commenting on this poem and also on my three poems having been included in PoetrySoup’s new Anthology. Blessings and hugs sent to you in. Beryl return
Date: 12/2/2024 9:07:00 AM
There is always that one person who teaches us a lesson and probably doesnt realise they have.. You told the story really well and this one rhymes very well as always with your poetry.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/2/2024 1:42:00 PM
Thank you Silent One, I’d rather be taught a lesson than go through life making the same mistakes… Beryl
Date: 12/2/2024 8:23:00 AM
Hi sister Beryl, we must never judge on first appearances, wish you well in the contest. xx
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/2/2024 1:39:00 PM
Hi brother John, I agree we must get to know someone before passing judgment on them, which we have no right to do, everyone is unique and who are we to question that. Thank you, sis Beryl (This is for the challenge on Mark Toney’s Blog.)
Date: 12/2/2024 12:10:00 AM
Perceptions are wrong sometimes. It is by getting to know someone well that we may draw conclusions. In this case you found out the whys of her inner dark emotions and when you saw through that you saw someone that you could understand better and appreciate. Great deductive reasoning on your part Beryl so happy you realized this truth. Michael
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/2/2024 2:50:00 AM
Thank you Michael, I’m pleased I realised the girl was hurting inside, there’s always a reason for someone being unable to enjoy life as they should. A little love and understanding is all it takes to make their world a happier place. Beryl
Date: 12/1/2024 11:44:00 PM
Like the old saying never judge a book by it's cover. Good luck Beryl, hope you're both well. Tom
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/2/2024 2:41:00 AM
Thank you Tom, we’re both ok, could be better, getting over coughs and colds, hope you and yours are keeping well… Beryl
Date: 12/1/2024 10:30:00 PM
This is so true Beryl, our conditioned perception leads to incorrect assessment of a person. And many a time it is their inner turmoil that is sending out the wrong signal. Yes and how we gravitate to a smile - once can hardly not laugh or smile with a person. Well written Beryl - I totally agree with you. Hugs Maria
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/2/2024 2:35:00 AM
Yes it is true, we never know what someone may be going through, that is until we get to know them. What a difference inner peace can make to a person’s personality. Thank you Maria, hugs returned … Beryl

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry