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City of Many Tears

City of Many Tears By Charles G.P. Chard 2nd Chevra Gavri Hanita Hazaka Abir Selek 2nd This city cries all winter long, There’s no rejoicing of sun or song, She cries and cries so many tears, What is her anguish, her anger, her fears? Her tears keep us wet and chill us to the bone, What can be her reason? What has she made known? Is it perhaps, because we pollute her skies, Polluting her rivers, her oceans, that she cries, Could it be man has forgotten who she is? Mother Earth to us all, not yours not his, Does she cry because we neglect her so? Can this be possibly man’s greatest woe? Could we stand up for Mother Earth, who gives us life? Can we all work together without fighting or strife? Can we help to mend, what we have taken for granted? And perhaps patch up the wounds we have carelessly planted, Will Mother Earth cheer up and show us her joy? With sunny skies, blue oceans for all girls and boys, Can the damage be undone or is it too late? Mother Earth, where we now live is in a bad state, Will the next generation do things right? Too, help Mother Earth, by day or by night, Do not look any further then the mirror you face, If things don’t start with you, Mother Earth wins her case, She will still cry and cry until someone takes notice, She will try and try until someone sees her motive, O city of many tears, what are we to do? Will your tears perhaps reach our hearts too?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 10/17/2018 1:49:00 PM
This poem seaks the truth.
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