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City Life

For six years I lived the big city LIFE If you asked, I would give you ADVICE Asphalt jungle covers the TURF Mile after mile of heartache and HURT Violent crimes are hard to AVERT Many good people have often FLED The bad was left and caused DREAD And the ugly raised their angry HEAD After a long day at school and WORK, I should have been much more ALERT In the dark of night, I headed HOME; In the dark of night, I walked ALONE Halfway down the block, I was accosted and ROBBED Still, life rushes forward with no time to SOB Some parts of her are overwhelmingly beautiful to BEHOLD But so many great deeds and inspiring stories go UNTOLD City life, some bitter things to HATE City life, some parts to ESCAPE City life, some areas to VACATE City life, lots of sweet things to LOVE City life; there's so much more that is as harmless as a DOVE 072723PS

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/4/2023 10:50:00 AM
I've always tried to live in the small towns, just for the reason you've described. Good write.
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Johnson Avatar
Curtis Johnson
Date: 8/4/2023 4:57:00 PM
You are indeed the smart one. Thanks for the comment.
Date: 7/27/2023 10:38:00 AM
Realistic depiction of big city life. The crime will cease when economic disparity will end,
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Johnson Avatar
Curtis Johnson
Date: 7/28/2023 4:33:00 AM
Hi, Jay. Thanks for your comment.

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