Circle of Life
The biggest coward of a man is to awaken
the love of a woman without the intention of loving her
as to love is to honour and cherish her soul
is a man a coward who deceives a women to protect their heart from breaking
can a man who truly loves a women live a life locked in a lie
when truth will break a women’s heart and question all she knew
and pain is thrust upon those that moments before loved without question
can love be used as the reason for closing the lid on the box of misjudgment and deceit
or is true love allowing a women the chance of happiness in a world of truth
will the pain of realisation and regret of the act felt inside, be punishment enough for the sinner who wronged a saint
if true sorrow resides within a blackened heart, can it allow untainted blood to flow once again
these questions have answers that lead to more questions until truth makes its way to the surface, the heartache the pain, the loss of trust and deceit is key to the box which holds the answer to the question that can only be discovered through consequences of the initial question you wished you never asked
Copyright © Andrew Norris | Year Posted 2019
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