Christmas Cheer
Well that time has come and our family gone,
Just me and Fran, going one on one.
Christmas Day is sorted, our kitchen out of bounds,
We're off to Paradise to share in food and sounds.
No slaving over hot ovens like we have done all the year,
The restaurant we have chosen will be full of Christmas cheer.
So as we wait for that happy day when we shall wine and dine,
Fran watches her favorite TV shows, resting so supine.
I have checked our cellar more twice and it is full of nice,
My chair just by the fire, the little table set. No ice.
My goblet of Malbec, a red as good as you can get,
Cyprus goodies and some fruit, man, I am set.
Headphones on sending some cool blues to my ears,
It doesn't take a lot to make my Christmas. Cheers.
© Dave Timperley 08/12/2018
Copyright © Dave Timperley | Year Posted 2018
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