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Chosen By Odin

Baldur’s goal was to grow up and become a warrior for the Hrungnir He was careful what he put inside his body to be ready and pure. His mother was amazed he could push breads and sweets away. Young Baldur knew his final ultimate destination back in the day. Since childhood he had dreamed of conquering the enemy divine. I know this, for Baldur’s tale has been shared by relatives of mine. Baldur had a direct line to Odin, god of German paganism since a child. He grew up to be a fierce competitor, sculpted, muscled, not at all mild. He is a strapping young man, others marveled, giving him room. He was not interested in any other occupation or being a groom. Baldur’s sole focus was on extinguishing the enemy in any way. He wore the valknut symbol proudly, and headed toward the fray. Make room at the front, the other warriors said when he appeared. Many were totally intimidated, but others celebrated and cheered. They instinctively knew that Baldur would give them a victory. He was the best warrior they had ever seen, groomed at Odin’s knee. For forty years Baldur led his king’s troops to victory each time. His battle scars were many when he retired his sword at fifty-nine. He had done Odin proud, but now he had a different dream. It was time to return to Odin, the Allfather, Asgard’s stronghold king.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/1/2023 12:44:00 AM
lovely penning and instructive, it seems like a novel , thanks yann
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things