Chicken Soup Farm
Relationships are like farming,
if you don't plant the seed,
you'll have no crop to harvest.
Rumi (M. Mafi, trans.)
Investing is like farming,
if you don't play the game,
you'll have no winnings.
Economics is like farming,
if you don't play this cooperative game,
you'll have no competitive winnings.
CoRelational EcoLogic is like farming,
if we don't play this polycultural community-building game,
we'll have no long-term sustainable,
optimized systemic,
resiliently multicultural winnings.
Stay aware and purposeful in your search,
for happiness is truly in the searching.
Stay awake and purposeful in our co-operative research,
for peacefulness,
restoring justice,
eco-logical economies remain synergetic
within our therapeutic searching.
Stay awake and mindful of polypathic meaning
in our ReStorative Permacultural EarthJustice Life,
for happiness, confluence, integrity, beauty, grace, karma's
Prime 1/0 CoBinary Relationships
rebalancing ego/ecosystemic resonant purposes
are truly within/out
wellbeing neurosystemic searching.
How do we sleep while part of us feels gone?
Frogs and night birds,
bats and insects cry out for company
filling raucous warm luscious breeze
gentle, caressing,
carrying stone soup songs of love
not yet won,
love wanted and needed with primal longing
to belong back together
for our first really great time
free of trauma
How do we sleep
while part of us longs gone?
Night flight resolves revolving chatter,
fractal spinning spiral-echoes
haunting iconic timeless teachings
from potential future Right-brain memory
predicative facts of fantasy,
intuiting predictors,
confluent, confident islands of prophetic sanity
boundary inspiring natural polycultures,
multi-open spirited systems
of self/other co-optimizing EarthTribal communication.
How do we sleep
in this racket of absent Warrior Ego
dismissing reverse-evil hope of flight tonight?
God as the Doomed and Dooming Garden of All Being,
under Whom we hide from shamed non-redeeming character,
trauma wounded identity.
We thought we were economically neutral
on this moving Goddess Train of Earth's becoming,
oblivious to Her climatic millennial warnings
to ease up on the fire power,
take a break,
let's cool down,
enjoy some slower peace and more mindfully inclusive justice.
Remaining neutral in our farming cooperative relationships,
admittedly a slower moving race,
and yet it helps to confluently comprehend our spinning pace
with Commons Place thermodynamic balance questions
How fast is too fast, too Yangish,
and how slow is too slow, too Yinnish,
and when we might slow down to rebalance Yang with Yin,
and how much we might slow down
emerges permaculturally predicated
as [+Yang = (-)(-)Yin]
= Universal-Optimal Unitarian Revolution
or +1 ego and not -0 eco-relational
= space/time binary bound MetaSystem revealing balance
to sustain our permacultured rich nutritional neutrality
on Gaia's +/-(-) Zero-sum
co-op-regenerative plain.
How do we wake
when part of Us is out of whack?
How do we awaken
our search for polycultural economic justice standards
for researching well-being resilience
slow-growing self/other-optimizing regeneration
with Eco Mindfulness Intent?
Planting regenerative seeds,
to grow co-redemptive pay-it-forward gift economies,
winnowing metasystemic research
to optimize meaningful repurposing
EarthTribe's ego/eco-logical self/other-redemption
future EarthJustice Day
covering love, peace, happiness, contentment,
restoring justice transforming reiterative healthy roots
balancing universal risks
with unitarian opportunities,
natural riches with spiritual poverty
systemically creolizing ecopolitical compost
Relearning faith and hope through suffering dissonance and dismay
as redemption's comprehensive consciousness,
evolutionary trauma/therapy research,
reincarnatiing karma,
ego/ecological double-boundary drama
Permaculturist Economic Tao:
sleep and wake and absorb others, as you would have them be you NOW
to re-emerge our EarthTribe's informating therapeutic,
Natural systems invite anthro-spiritual systemic comprehension,
as Universal Physical is to Unitarian Metaphysical CoPassion,
as YangPolarity is to Yintegrity,
as Polynomial Information is to Double-Bound not-Negative Polypathic In/Exformation Balancing Health/Wealth Trends.
Polypathic and multisystemic relationships are like therapeutic organic farming,
if you don't plant diverse fractal-holonic DNA/RNA-encrypted seeds,
you'll not have an EarthMothered PolyCultural crop to harvest.
Ain't nobody here 'ceptin us Chickens
and somehow we all land in this soupy mess together.
Let's keep on lickin' each other's wounds.
Try a little less hen-peckin'.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2015
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