Temptation reared its ugly head
Tonight as I lay in my bed
I considered what I would do
If I wanted to cheat on you
Looking on the singles sites
Staying up half of the night
Searching for someone new
If I wanted to cheat on you
Chatting with this guy on line
His conversation was sublime
Thoughts of my being untrue
If I wanted to cheat on you
Something is missing here
Something I really must hear
The emptiness might be filled, too
If I wanted to cheat on you
No one else could now replace
How I feel when I touch your face
Realizing this, I would be blue
If I ever cheated on you
So I will stay by your side
Waiting for the turning tide
For you to say, “I love you”
Knowing I’ll never cheat on you
Copyright © Anita Lovelace | Year Posted 2005
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