Chasing the Other Me
As a boy, I wanted to be a teen.
To be free from playgrounds, older and growing.
To go where I wanted, outgoing and seen,
Life as a kid, carefree and outgoing.
As a teen, I wanted to go on to college
To leave high school behind and move on.
Some naivety gone, now yearning for knowledge
Life as a teen, exploring and strong.
As a student, I wanted to learn then find work,
To leave Higher Ed and have money.
To put away study, I’ll start as a clerk;
Life as a student, is too poor for my honey.
As employed, I wanted so soon to retire
To step off of the ladder and goals.
To no longer control who I mentor or hire.
Life as employed, juggles so many roles.
As a senior, I wanted to stay home in bed.
To be free from the work my life has been.
To no longer sweat, but find rest for my head
Life as a senior, holds peace or chagrin.
As I die, all I want is my life to replay;
To leave this old body and go back to when
I could cherish each season and seize every day
God take me back, to my childhood again.
Copyright © Tom Valles | Year Posted 2018
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