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We need to make some changes Not for each other but for ourselves. There seems to be no future As we search our horizons. Just like a stopped watch We exist but nothing changes. There must be more out there Are we merely here to fill a void? A void in space, time, or in our hearts? Change is good and needs cultivating To create growth if in no other way Within our very being. Then, sprouting an inner spirit to become better people We become wiser, more interesting, and suddenly there becomes reason to exist. Reason to look beyond tomorrow.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 3/31/2021 7:28:00 PM
I love change! I thrive on it. I adore it! "Change is good and needs cultivating To create growth if in no other way Within our very being." Wow! This was written by you for me.
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Gelok Avatar
Virginia Gelok
Date: 3/31/2021 7:49:00 PM
thankyou so very much...I too like change. Joining this PS group was one of my major changes. Never felt good enough...but now I know I can only get better. Thanks again.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things