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Chain Wire Fence

A tall, chain wire fence surrounds the perimeter of the power station, casting its evening shadow over a wide bank of grass leading down to the river. Sometimes I sit there just to listen to the sound of the wind make music through the wires. It is a soft, melancholy music that carries a certain sorrow. Uncoupled from a name, it seems a composite of the sadness accrued in the wordless wells of the soul that finds voice here. It has a strange attraction, an addictive beauty which keeps me coming back though each note strums a nerve giving a little hurt. At times I can almost hear human voices weaved into the music, a tone echoing out of places made restless with longing. It is the music that lovers make and gently plays at the center of all good art, sad prisoners of time, composed by the heart to mourn when what is loved and what is beautiful in this life passes from us, and let go.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 6/26/2024 7:37:00 AM
Beautiful and haunting music can occur anywhere. I love how this spot can resonate through you to a wider audience. Sometimes we put too high a threshold on what we deem worthwhile, yet there can be nothing better than being absorbed in a moment. I'm already almost feeling the cooler shadowed grass beneath my feet and the absence of any interruption to a train of thought - beautiful, even in the sad notes.
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 4:25:00 PM
Such sensitivity in your comments DD...thankyou for absorbing the poem and offering your thoughts....they are always good to read. I guess one of the messages is to create the internal space to listen and take in the receive what the world gives with gratitude however fleeting. Take care my dear friend.
Date: 6/26/2024 6:59:00 AM
Well , l never expected to be visiting a power station today Paul ha! What you see and hear Paul is magical and like Lin said… breathe life into things that others consider trivial and take for granted!! Can we please go to a cafe next poem ?! Haha…..Debx
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 4:20:00 PM
As requested my dear Deb, just posted a poem taking you to a Cafe...written especially for you...couldn't pass up the challenge on this one....
Date: 6/26/2024 4:52:00 AM
There's a vivid contrast between the strength of a man-made power plant and Nature's wind. In my mind, I see it as a standoff between the two, but one that Nature will always win. Your interwoven personification of the scene adds a gentle nudge to your lines. Interestingly imaginative. As always, Paul you breathe life into what most others would consider 'trivial.'
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Paul Willason
Date: 6/26/2024 4:17:00 PM
Thankyou Lin for your thoughtful and sensitive exploration...always a pleasure to receive these comments from you....I am so grateful for your long and gracious support, its a gift I keep close. Take care dear Lin.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things