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Cave Man

'" CAVE'" =(:-)'s>>> --------#------#------&..... We weren't married By a Pastor at Church In-stead we were married In a Cave Yes, we took our vowel's By me dragging Her by her hair Dragging her home To the Cave Like a Slave ------ The same Cave that we Bared our Cave Children The same Cave The one with-out the Den ------ He promised to build a bigger house But, he has been saying that.... Since I don't know when... ------ But, the Cave Woman She loved her kitchen's nitch That is where she cook the game She would you want it salt? Or plain.... ------ Fore it took so much to cook a meal It depend on what Cave Man father could Either kill or steal... ------ He left this morning To get him a snack It was either a giant turtle Or a brontosaurs ------ But dinner would attack' ------ Today, the equivalent of an BIG MAC. ------ But, never the least The Big Mac did attack' He knew with-out stake sauce Or butter, that He would never Get back ------ There is no telling how Cave Mother might... Act....or react! ----- Who ever knew how long it would take If I could catch him Would he taste just like stake... Or a Slim Jim.. ------ We lowered it home Took him to the house' Either it would be him Or would have to settle For Mouse. ------ We lowered it home' And took him last evening' We saved the mouse... ------ We lowered it home And took him in-to the house We ate him last evening We saved the mouse.... ------ That Cave Woman did what She could, fore she had four Cave Children.... Their chances' of starving were Good....God willing..... ------ That is a fact of life that was Really understood.. ------ She started a fire With a stick and a rock She put then together ------ The fire was hot That brontoburgar surely Hit the spot... ------ They ate what they could And saved the rest for later They had no refrigerator ------ So, they gave the rest to The family who sat at the table Who would eat it much later ************SEE CAVE MAN 11******** To be continued...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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