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Catkins, Mistletoe and Wallabies

Night brings a wondrous display a mix and blended menagerie arrayed with colors, melodies and creatures unmatched by any hunter's imaginary superiority scratched. In my wildest dreams at the midnight hour comes the magical images of children's power, a cartoon reality that finds life so interesting with visions of all nature in peace co-mingling. The majestic trees germinate flowers to grow then fall where feathered birds and squirrels gather beneath its shawl of catkin clutches formed to pollinate some distant tree of long ago with love and purposeful blend hosted under the rainbow mistletoe. Each dream images the strangest encounters in melodic song for wallabies and flounders, making sense of what was displayed in the vision quest still lies a secret unrevealed to this nightly guest.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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