Cat In a Hat World Book Day
the year is the last
the wardrobe is bare
so this world book day
I had nothing to share
I sat down with mum
we sat there, we two
I asked for ideas
she had quite a few
but all her ideas
were wrong or too tricky
so I sat and I thought
I might have been picky
Then bump! An idea
I knew just what to do
I went to the book shelf
And pulled down a few
I found just the one
The one above all
The one full of rhyme
and humour galore
This is the book
This is the one
This is my character
This has to be done
I gathered some paper
Just red and white
I took it to mum
It gave her a fright
Really? she asked
That will be great
She might not have thought that
When working so late
On the hat oh so tall
and the bow oh so large
But I think you'll agree
without any charge
that the effort was worth it
my mum and me
we got it together
do you agree?
so today in year 6
the last dressing up
for this world book day
I am no pup
I'm a cat in the hat
Of that you can see
I might not win the prize
But it's made me happy
Oh and by the way
This poem of mine
It's inspired by Seuss
And it's mum's, not mine
Copyright © Emma Major | Year Posted 2016
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