This is odd. Well, more than odd
Something that is sort of weird
As if a strange thing appeared
And into my memory, seared
Then jabbed with a cattle prod
If it is abnormal, I’m not bored
Holding me tight in its embrace
Attentive, like it’s on my case
Keeping me firmly in my place
A Gordian knot needs a sword
Others may not feel this pull
A tight focus on my thoughts
They clearly ignored reports
Rumours dismissed with snorts
So they will never feel this full
I cannot think, I cannot move
This thing has me in its spell
Such captivation, I know it well
Applied logic seems not to gel
Maybe I’ve something to prove
Am I now stuck like this forever
In this strange entranced state
Some might say it was my fate
By leaving my escape too late
Is it now just futile endeavour
Can I break this mystery bond
That holds me in its tight grip
Not unlike a psychoactive trip
So it’s time to pull down that zip
And focus to see what’s beyond
Copyright © Howard Osborne | Year Posted 2022
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