Cap'N and the Wench -Part the Third-
Cap'n & the Wench *part the third*
Says the Wench t'the Cap'n "Me thinks I'll have me a Gin!"
So says the Cap'n t'the Wench " Go right ahead Me Dear~
Fer now I'll surely Win!"
With an Evil Grin & a Twinkle in his Eye~
So's the Wench did notice & then By & By~
& did say to the Cap'n "Be mindin' Yer P's & Q's!"
"Fer Me's the Wench what Decides that which Ye Do!"
"Yer no Grinnin'Porpoise & that there's no Danged Flipper!"
"Har!" says the Cap'n ~ "I am though the Skipper!"
The Wench ran B'low to the Galley fer Sure!
The Cap'n did follow yet His Timin' was Poor!
She'd already laid 'er hands on that Bottle O'Gin~
So Mightily Fast She did give the Skipper a Spin!
Once for a Second this Pyrate did Think~
That Fer Sure He was Now on the Very Brink!
But Nay was the Word passed Along from the Deck~
Fer the Wench had decided~ "Aaaarrrrggghhhh! What the Heck!"
She sat Calmly at the Helm givin' the Great Wheel a Turn~
Fer surely She was decidin' this Ol'SeaWolf to Spurn!
When Lo & Behold the Cap'n Sauntered to the Cockpit~
And 'twas Plain to see he was a'Chompin at the Bit!
Grabs the Wench He does with Muscle & Sinew~
"I'd rather Lil'Wench Ye Stuck to the Brew!
Fer Yer Manner is Bold and Wild without Reason~
And 'tis a Great Job O'Work fer Ye to be a'Pleasin!"
Now the Wench did Ponder a Moment or Two~
Whilst the Sky sent Forth a Bolt from the Blue~
She'd wondered what it was had Caused her to Forgit~
That which She'd a'wanted fer a Tiny lil' Bit!
Up Jumped She & Bolted off to the Deck!
Just as the Cap'n was givin' her a Peck!
Now this was all 'twas needed to Bring to Mind~
That which this Wench sorely needed to Find!
Now in Ports where all Pyrates finally to a Dock come a'Side~
Ne'er does a Man or Woman really Know how was that Wild Ride~
Now the Bows & the Belly of the Ship were Finally Quiet~
The Wench had gone Below with Her Bellyachin' Pyrate!
The Moon did Rise with Splendor that very Night~
Throughout the Great Ship 'twas the Only Light!
For the Cap'n & his Wench had Decided to Tease~
And this Was the Way They each Other did Please!
The Great Ship is Seen Oft enough Sailin' Agin on the Seas....
With Always enough Gin with which that Hardy Wench to Please!
Copyright © Caribbean Seawolf | Year Posted 2011
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