Capacity To Love
To Love me is a choice,
and I want you to make that choice,
Aware and Free
I beg you, don't be with me to kill time.
We both deserve better
A Someone who dedicates space out of the day,
and with whom to chase dreams, experience life,
reach goals, and grow better.
I don't want us to waste precious opportunities,
just because moments are sometimes spent alone.
Silence is wholesome, don't you know?
Through it, I realized that I crave connection,
vulnerability, and empathy
For without those, I promise,
I'm really not capable of being your person.
If you're not willing to be physically, mentally
and emotionally present - to show up
If you're not ready to grow, meet your shadows,
heal your wounds and find yourself
You're not the one I want, nor the one I need
I beg you, please, don't choose to Love me
and pretend that you sometimes will,
when you really... can't
I want to Love and Be Loved
r a w
Real, and naked; Openly and proudly; Deeply and freely
With respect and care and commitment
of being a One in a Twosome
I want Love to be seen, and felt, internally
You won't even doubt it because it's Trustworthy
For I will not be a secret and neither will you
I won't accept being held back,
and neither should you
I will Love you honestly, support your journey,
stand by you, witness your growth, dive into you
Be strong when you can't,
walk next to you proudly when you move ahead,
and Love you
with all my senses
I will mirror you, be better because of you
and give all of me, genuinely, in a Flow
Mind you, though,
I want it in return, equally
I want you to choose to Love me,
when you have the Capacity to Love me
Aware and Free
Copyright © Skye Awenborn | Year Posted 2022
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