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Canto Xxiii Hell Translation Part 2

I stopped there, and saw two showing high rate Of their will, on their face, to join with me; But were hampered by narrow street and weight. When reached us, with their eyes awry to see Then looked at me without saying a word; Then they turned to selves, and told to agree: “This is alive as sound of throat is heard; And if they are dead, which privilege hold To go with no mantle are they conferred?”. “O Tuscan, who to our group” , they me told, “Of the sad hypocrites now have just come, To tell us who you are should not withhold”. I told them: ”I was born adult to become In the great city over Arno river grown, And I am with corps I ever had there from. But who you are, so hardly being shown The sorrow on your cheeks to notice I could? And which pain is in you sparklingly known? And one responded me: “This golden hood It is lead inside so much, that the weight Is such way as its scale strongly squeak would. Revelers friars we were, from Bologna great, I Catalano and Loderingo this Our names, and by your land both taken straight Like is taken a man who lone exists, To save his peace; and so then we were such That at Gardingo yet speak of us amiss”. I started then: “O friars, your wrong is much….”; But I did not tell more, since my eye went To one, crucified to soil by three poles clutch. When he saw me, then all of him was bent Blowing in his beard with a weeping sigh; And friar Catalano who caught the event, Told me: “The nailed down that you see to cry, The Pharisees advised it was good trait To put for people to torture a guy. He is trampled on, naked, in the way straight, As you can see, and so he must then feel Everyone passing, before, with his weight. So his father in law with pain must deal In this grave, and others of council too Which was for Jews very bad seed for real”. Then I saw Virgilio wonder renew Over that one who crucified was lying So basely in eternal exile drew. After he turned his voice to friar eyeing: “If you please be kind, and can, us tell If going right hand find an exit trying So that we both can leave this place then well, Without hard constraint from the devils black Coming here and us to run compel. Answered therefore: “More than you hope aback Is close a stone which from the circle wide Expands and crosses all the circles’ stack, But here is broken no lid implied; You can climb up the precipice ravine, Which lies on coast and to bottom beside”. The duke remained a bit with his head lean; Then told: “Badly our needs just thought indeed The one who hooks here the sinners mean”. And the friar: “Yet at Bologna heard the seed Of devil vices, , among which I heard That he is a liar and of lie weed”. The duke went away fast as he was spurred And a bit distraught by rage in his face; So I left sinners rapid not demurred Of the beloved legs seeking the trace.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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