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Can'T Sleep

Can't Sleep by Cate Rock Dying dying. She lays out Cold, Weak, & crying. A perfect love is what she had. One who was always smiling ...never ever mad. Her broken heart told a story indeed. One of what she wanted... ...but not what she'd need. A hollow kind of happy, a twisted kind of hope, a weak strain of trust. Now to find a way to cope? How can a leaf fall so far from it's tree? How could he let this happen to me? Did he not care? Does he not still? This rejection no one should bare! Rage fueling me to kill. How can a cheery blossom smell as sweet? Why can't a penguin fly enough to get off his feet? When will the equator bare snow? Why in Antarctica nothing will grow? Questions never asked have no answer. And a mind that wanders as such grows like cancer. Why can't I get this song out of my head? Why cant I sleep at night in my bed? The song means nothing... Barely has a tune. Just help with the pain. Just help with anything! Random thaughts run through my head, alone at night crashed out in my bed. God this song clouds my brain! Damn Weird Al is freaking insane! "Drive-Through" sucked but I'm adicted. I can't get it out... Can't evict it... God help me in going insane... Now I'm in pain. Trying to write this here. My mind alwas stuck in second gear. It's not sleep or hate not even fear. It's this god blessed "Drive Through" Submission date : 2010-02-16

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 2/21/2010 11:31:00 AM
so emotional
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Date: 2/19/2010 12:07:00 PM
Thank you for sharing your poetry with us today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with inspiration Cate. Love, Carol
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Date: 2/18/2010 5:34:00 PM
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things