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Cannibal Prophets

Prophecy is risky and peculiar. Prophets so seldom unveil opportunities to win resilient integrity without concomitant risks of unhealthy failure. Prophets of booming doom and gloom far outweigh voices for Golden Rules and healthy tipping points toward organic wealthy Ratios to thrive opportunity rich and risk free of threatening less for any players and for our working/playing Habitat, Earth and Her interdependent spacetime webbed ecological Universe, also theologically known as Heaven(s). Prophecy has far less to say about future positive Paradise, although manifest destiny toward streets of capitalistic gold and immaterial timeless life for humane nature spiritualized souls day and night Worshiping God the Father, who is not a person nor just a holistic Holy Ghost, and is not Earth and does not include owls or dogs or cats, and certainly not skunks or ravens or vultures, So Paradise becomes a Heaven that may sound anti-ecological to nature and beauty lovers, a theological projection too transcendent to remain humane and lovely using a patriarchal anthro-hubris lens toward monocultural vapidity, Which is the opposite of rabidity, more characteristic of hellish prophecies, apparently confused with hopes more positive and unmindfully compelling fascinating hypnotic addictive. Indigenous prophecies include Cannibal Giant who preys, and never prays, upon entire Tribes Nations and Confederacies of NationTribes to chop off our heads and boil them in beezle juice, A protocol that begins with starvation, perhaps because of climate degenerative climax issues, but may continue just to count and hoard skulls as early currency for Cannibal Giants and their Warriors demonstrating patriarchal power prowess. If Cannibal Giants were themselves prophets they would predict changes from now through some future Earth climate and human culture rooted in change trends noticed from some past Great Transition time toward this present moment in Earth history, A story with creation winners and degenerative losers among us cannibal head-hunters of capital-hoarding living in a climate culture of regenerative/degenerative environmental health and pathology. Prophecy is rooted in retrospective between a left-brain dominant HeadHunter, a capitalistic win/lose God of theology and our right hemisphere Gaian Hypothesis of how to optimize ecological win/wins in an interdependently latticed economy predicting future impressive integrity of ego-health co-arising eco-wealth. Prophecy issues from cannibalizing roots to survive, then nutrition-driven enslavement for extracted agricultural and sex workers, then capital-development HeadHunter enslavement, then win/lose head hunters for industrial revolutions into national colonies owned by royal kleptocrats, then passed to republican capitalists for corporate profits, not to be confused with prophets, now perhaps passing on toward win/win left/right bicameral trusting co-empathic capital cooperative co-investors in multi-theological ecology, Left liberating Gaian hypotheses and right conservational God of EarthLove Integrity together prophesying further climates of resilient resonance in past and through future regenerative health predicting less degenerative head-hunter lack of wealth as measured in trusted re-memories of Paradise, bilaterally co-invested, co-investing, Ego/eco-investment in Paradise Prophecy issuing back and forth, back space and forth time, to and fro for and from former Cannibal Giants.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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