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If something is out there you will see, if something is out there it will come running after thee, the squirrel is skilled at climbing trees and the bears can hold on to a certain degree. They can climb a certain portion of the tree but you have to know their angle and how they camouflage behind the frame. When the mountain is still and the morning looks dim, before the birds are awake take a good look at the place. Throw some gravel in the trees and the bullets will start raining all over the place. I can blend in to look like a tree and I can crawl on the ground to look like a clown and I can curl up to look like a snake or centipede going to the Trojan town. I will not budge if you run water on the ground; I will not answer if you call me over the phone. If you respond to every sound, they will drag you into a dugout trench and shoot you in the head I stood on top of the hill surveying the city that is going to be ruined, burnt out building leaning on their side with charred bodies looked up inside and black smoke spewing from the window and ashes mixed with dirt covered the earth. The front of that building is torn out and the one beside it has sunken into the earth, the footpath between the buildings are blocked and the base of the mosque has fallen on its back, the children are nowhere to be seen, they are lying in the street wrapped up in white sheets. The evening lay bare in front of me and the river up north is packed with debris, there's no laughter in the air, just weeping and moaning everywhere, supplies are rolling in but their spirit have lost the joyous rhythm everyone is fighting to stay alive but, in the south, they are rolling a different dice . See that equipment over there, the villains are hanging out everywhere, I can hide in a water pipe and I can curl up in water drum and have dirty fun, look for the shaking of the leaves and look for the vibration in the ground it will take you to town. The lawn mower is good at mowing the lawn but it misses the corners at the break of dawn, the middles are already done and originators are gallivanting in the sun. They blend in with the sun and when night comes, they come outside and converge in the woods and gaze at the moon and sing a woeful tune. Their strategy is clear so protect yourselves when you walk over there. The camouflage drone is landing on the shore and slowly entering the town.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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