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Call Me Skitzo

If I walk across scolding coals, does that make me unstoppable If I steal metaphors, does that make me a mastermind UN-robbable? That's improbable, but it's not impossible for the phenomenal, Call me Skitzo, I'll shatter monk monastery windows, that's illogical With unimaginable skills, imagery on the metaphorical canvas Painting a picture with no paint, just ink that sinks to Atlantis Rhymes that blow through the atmosphere's 9th layer because it couldn't handle, The schizophrenic master of ceremonies, mind implanted with an infinite lit candle Hidden in the chamber of secrets, with a key made of optoelectronic stone In a cove under the Pacific Ocean, after walking a bridge of gold As legend has it he goes schizo, while futuristic intelligence unfolds It's said he was born through a pen, he rests on the alphabets soul He could form an eclipse and hand out epilepsy just by writing a rhyme, Shatter building in milliseconds, or frighten an emotionless mime Miscalculations at birth, infused with metaphors born into his mind, He's more advanced then modern day science in the year 3009, Slice open his inner cranium, and watch ink leak from is brain Because we was born into a notebook, born to be lyrically insane Outlandish metaphorical achievements, and he's quick to do it again Thirteen years old, and 20 years ahead of anyone in the game His knowledge is justified as a mystery wrapped an enigma, Illiterate punchlines suffocating while suffering from amnesia, While thoughts lurk around the corner, a firewall creeps up, And blocks incoming ideas, while lecturing on how to keep up A brain overloaded with intellect, hard drives at maximum capacity, Like Leonardo da Vince, with untouchable metaphorical imagery, Come in and see, how Skitzo lives unreliably maniacally The maniac in black and white, who lives in his notebook like a penitentiary The profressor living prophetic, prophesying a diabolical prophecy, The paradox of the underground, self established and raised to fight nightmares with dreams, The living equinox, solar and lunar eclipses take place with in me Intimidating the space time continuum, with black holes that negatively defend me Call Me Skitzo, not an alter ego, it's me and he's speaking out, Try and research the possibility to withhold the knowledge, you won't find anything about, You're all programmed to believe that I'm under you, but I doubt, You've ever heard the legend of Skitzo, so watch the sounds that come out of your mouth

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 5/7/2013 3:19:00 PM
Enjoyed reading your poem.
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Guttery Avatar
Aaron Guttery
Date: 6/29/2013 11:13:00 PM
Keep on reading.. this was more of a word play one but read more for sure!
Date: 5/7/2013 2:10:00 AM
Hmm... Well I've been homeschooling since I was eight years old so I don't know exactly what that's like to be called names and stuff. Whether or not you realize it you do have talent. Yes... Some of it's "out there" and not everyone will connect with it. But the harder I look at your poetry (raps?) the more I get out of it. Optoelectronic? I haven't the slightest clue what that means but it just adds to your uniqueness.
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Date: 5/7/2013 12:04:00 AM
People do tend to underestimate the intelligence of people that are so young. They can accomplish great things, especially when starting out so early on such creative ventures. This reminded me of Remember the Name and how Shinoda talked about himself in the third person. You've already made a name for yourself, cool! I'm assuming that's short for schizophrenic? Just remember not to get too far ahead of yourself... your talent is beyond belief, but what personally affects me is your sincerity.
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Guttery Avatar
Aaron Guttery
Date: 5/7/2013 12:33:00 AM
Well I've always kinda called myself "Skitzo," but recently I got pulled out of school cause I was depressed and I really zoned out.. And there are rumors that I'm schizophrenic and have to wear a straightjacket when I go to bed. So that just topped it off and the name stuck... But talent.. I don't know about talent. But I do know that this write was pretty crazy.. I amazed myself.
Hicks Avatar
Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/7/2013 12:06:00 AM
Take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm just one persons opinion after all. I really wish people would comment more, but I don't think most people takes the times to read such lengthy pieces. Sad, but true...

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