Bye Farewell and Adieu
Mummy heading for market “Bye”
For her child shall super snacks buy
One or two big surprises try;
If she does it not child’s pained cry…
‘Bye’ for someone flying away
You would soonest catch on your way:
On a trip that could need airport
But in the end gloriously short…
Goodbye to folks you love or like:
Something about them does you strike,
Your goodbye their journey mercies
Covering them like football Jerseys…
Farewell the more touching goodbye
That comes with a dose of sore sigh:
Indeed, the bye of a parting
For which there might not be chatting;
No other meeting with Martin
You’d hated and loved while farting…
Then, comes Big Tears-Dragging Adieu
Said and it’s like paying a due,
Recipients you later met few;
As one says it more mountain Dew.
Copyright © Chinedum Ekwobi | Year Posted 2023
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