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By the Sea

Cold air breeze flowing over the shore, as an lifesaver floats on the glistening water illuminated by the sun, most memorable during the day as many above have fun Frightened of the ferocious sea-beings, admiring the calm, but unaware that the center of attention could all be placed in your palm, Lurking beneath the blue, a scaled blue tail unseeable from the surface, Hides the dark hues that is seen in the trenches as worthless What is hidden in one’s heart could never be imposed, With false memory and prevalent words under the sea cannot be disposed Rather it stays at its peace surrounded by creatures living within, Living among its terrible ocean trenches submerged with a spin Eyes deep as the sea darkened with ecstasy, That it’ll propel your gaiety through lunacy in glee, Whirred through unbreathable currents which you’ll myopically see Such a creature below is redundant for two hands to be.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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