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by any other name

Henceforth, I shall not choose the rose Its wafting scent upsets my nose Nor will I write for no one knows The difference ‘twixt a poem and prose As roses are the bud of choice For lovers with a silenced voice Delivered by a workman’s hand In packaging now damp and bland Hence, I’ll choose the dandelion Sunrise colors signifyin’ The heat of passion’s rising sun That moonlight's whisper will not shun For roses are and so shall be For counting coup on fools like me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 8/16/2024 9:44:00 PM
Would smell as sweet! Write whatever whenever prose i shall try in iambic pentameter would be fun! I bet some talented poets might do that: i know andrea would hah! Rosy scents upset my nose too! Hahhah gosh you have great sense of humor! Made me laugh early morning. Which is rarely a sight! I love hydrangeas and also sunflowers! And this sonnet is beautiful! A fav
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Lawless Avatar
John Lawless
Date: 8/17/2024 7:18:00 AM
Thank you Ink....a lovely comment and a fav....TA-DA..what a day!!!! thanks for stopping to read and comment
Date: 8/16/2024 6:36:00 PM
I enjoyed your unrosy supposition! I prefer the tulip! :) Verse 3 is wonderful! A fave poem! 8 think Shakespeare would love!
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John Lawless
Date: 8/17/2024 7:16:00 AM
appreciate the fave Kim, Shakespeare might have girt his teeth and silently cursed....any way I prefer your comment
Date: 8/16/2024 4:46:00 PM
Dandelions are a terrific weed. They are food, drink, beauty, and animal feed. I'll take another helping, thank you.
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John Lawless
Date: 8/17/2024 7:15:00 AM
and I believe they quietly mock the towering sunflowers. Thanks for stopping by Hilda
Date: 8/16/2024 4:08:00 PM
Nice sonnet. My wife still prefers roses over dandelions though. Not sure why...
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John Lawless
Date: 8/17/2024 7:20:00 AM
failure to meet the "rose" criteria man result in being referred to ..."by many other names"....just funnin', thanks for stopping in..

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