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Burnt Bridge

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1. Betrayal builds up with great energy winning my man comes with a heavy bill of cost. The third, trying to make us two unhitched brings out thunderous evil from a Timpani coveting from a loved one makes her a dipsomaniac and not even the threat of a deadly flashpoint will give this heavily envious heart a strong reprimand. Chorus When he first came, she was the best friend when he kissed me, she was still a friend him shaking hands, made her our friend too lil too late now, as I’m the friend. 2. Friend of a friend but one heart has been scammed a serenity watered by amity but elsewhere loyalty works in locum. Her good support of me was spaced aged to make my man a heartless wrong doer. The three now in a jackboot is worse than a plaque. The steam of her itchy romance burns his instincts of adventure to get some back door pleasures. Chorus When he first came, she was the best friend when he kissed me, she was still a friend him shaking hands, made her our friend too lil too late now, as I’m the friend. 3. Noisy is the sound which first started from an enjoyable bongo he's a commoner you can pick with a coin from a one-armed bandit a ‘whore’ is a worthy appellation for her my weeping heart from this divide chunks out hatred on them but unknown to me in the city of love, their union has turned out to be a principality. Bridge x 4 You embrace me, holding her waist by the side your mouth speaks as your heart looks the other side. Chorus When he first came, she was the best friend when he kissed me, she was still a friend him shaking hands, made her our friend too lil too late now, as I’m the friend.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/1/2017 2:40:00 PM
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Funom Makama
Date: 1/30/2018 10:23:00 AM
Thank you
Date: 7/13/2017 2:38:00 AM
I like this line: "he's a commoner you can pick with a coin from a one-armed bandit"; And friends come and go; but when choosing friends, one must be careful...good poem.
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Funom Makama
Date: 1/30/2018 10:23:00 AM
Thank you so much Kiser

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