Burns night welcome
Thank ye all fer coming te this feast
Many a fine lady accompanied by there beast
Enjoy your broth as a wee starter
Were joined together for friendship n banter
Followed by the ode to the haggis
Gentlemen give ya lasses a kiss
Neaps and tatties served with the meat
Veterans and serving here to meet
The pudding is Eton mess
All the lasses are wearing a dress
Athollbross is a drink of the dirt
Even the men can wear a skirt
I dinna Ken what burns is about
But I know that Scots scream n shout
I Ken the man was a jock poet
But how is haggis meant to be ate
A three legged monster running around the Glen
How it manages I dinne Ken
But once ye have caught this wee beast
I guarantee ya in for a feast
Thank you all for joining in
The piper lasse was amazing
Enjoy the music and the crack
Hopefully next year we'll be back
Copyright © Gordon Alexander | Year Posted 2024
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