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Bullets Write History

The close of an era has arrived, Frayed tempers are quelled, Surging recriminations are nipped in the bud, Nothing is left in the mud. The morning light brings hope, The unknown does not rule the day, Hope is no longer a crumbling clay, The white flag has been raised. There’s a sweet recognition in the air, Embraces are accompanied by tears of joy, There’s no hidden ploy, Etched in stone is the cease-fire day. The silence between wars harbingers a new dawn, Gloomy faces now wear a glow, Twilight brings no fear, And annihilation is not in wait to emerge from its lair. February 7, 2025.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/7/2025 1:11:00 PM
Good one but does the silence between wars really harbor a new dawn? We humans never learn from the last war except how to fight the next one. WWI was the war to end all wars supposedly
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Emate Avatar
Thompson Emate
Date: 2/9/2025 7:02:00 PM
Truly said. We humans indeed never learn until everything is in ruins and rubble.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things