Brotherhood of Man
Watch out, brother,
An eye's following you,
Watching what you do,
Each movement remembered.
Don't cheat,
Don't steal,
Don't breathe too loud,
Someone's sure to find out.
Each flaw, each mistake,
And blow it up big.
Your life's another production,
A movie or an album.
There's a camera pointed at the Hollywood signed,
And another on a stop sign, pointed at you.
Please, halt at the white line,
Or they'll never let you live it down.
Watch out, brother,
You'll let them in your head,
And they'll eat away your thoughts.
It's less painful and time consuming to open your head,
Hand them a spoon
And let them dig in.
Brainwash isn't just a swirled, black and white spinning background.
It's every advertisement,
Every restaurant,
Every street corner news vendor,
Every word that leaves the mouths of the men and women who are supposed to represent our
fellow man.
Watch out, brother,
Read the words of our forefathers:
George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and the men who had insight.
They predicted outrageous futures,
But oh, how right they're becoming.
The clock's about to strike thirteen!
Please open your eyes,
There's much to be seen.
Remember brotherhood of man,
An unspoken code of empathy, understanding, and a willingness to lend a hand?
It's melting away into apathy,
An emotion only surpassed by hatred.
Watch out, brother,
You think I'm a skeptic,
But I'm not.
I'm a thinker,
I see truth through a thick smog of lies.
I won't tell you what to see, hear or eat.
I'll only help guide you.
I'll be the lens of a monocle,
To help you see clearer,
But I won't give you answers.
I am not them,
I believe in the freedom of thought,
Think what you may,
Fine by me,
Just promise you'll watch out,
Copyright © Krystal Turton | Year Posted 2010
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