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Broken Ways of Yesterdays

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Broken Ways Of Yesterdays From broken ways of yesterdays and pain so deep inside me. Four walls and a ceiling, it's where I went to hide me. With shades all drawn and hope all gone I sat there in the dark. The flame that burned within me, reduced to just a spark. Like echoes whispering in the wind I heard the distant call. Telling me it's time to go, so I got down to crawl. I made my way through shadows that kept me safe at night. Until at last I found myself, I made it to the light. I heard a voice though not by choice I felt it all begin. Telling me I simply must, learn to rise again. With broken in my body, no strength left in my soul. I began to stand once more and relinquished my control. He lifted me and gifted me, He gave me words to say. The reasons for all seasons, and why I'm here today. To tell the tales not long ago I suffered such despair. I turned around not looking down and saw Him hanging there. Arms outstretched in love for me, my words at such a loss. Standing tall down on my knees I knelt before the cross. "I'll never leave you nor forsake you" I heard the savior say. I tried I cried through tear filled eyes and I began to pray. Saving me so long ago now saving me once more. An attitude of gratitude things aren't like they were before. Thank you Lord for loving me, I know you loved me first. Still today Your love is true for You loved me at my worst. Edwin C Hofert

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 11/30/2015 6:20:00 PM
Though I can not claim to be religious in the way you have expressed I am truly impressed by the strength and form of this poem. I have written several poems from personal experience of depression and the struggle to find a way to live life again and this work of yours truly reflects the upward struggle and gives hope to those facing this.
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Edwin Hofert
Date: 11/30/2015 7:38:00 PM
Thank you Ivor. A higher compliment I have never been given for a poem I have written. The struggle is real. Depression is such an awful thing. If I never did another thing in my life. I would hope that somewhere along the way I helped someone to rise again. Thanks again my friend.

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