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Broken Trust

Trust is the ability to give yourself, Wholeheartedly to another believing and hoping, That they in return will do the same but they never do. Yet knowing the truth about them you, Have lost all hope. You start to doubt all the words and emotions, You have felt within your heart. They have broke the trust you, Believed in and it dissolves day by day, As the blood drips from your heart and, You lose all hope in what was the relationship. You start to notice the lies and, Deceptions within them. Knowing there is no way to survive, This knowledge of broken Trust. The relationship starts to weaken, And you lose the faith and hope, That was built upon trust. Forgiveness will never repair the trust, That they have broken. Leaving is the only possible response.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 12/20/2021 1:41:00 AM
Hi Okie…sorry last comment I called you Hudson sorry. Nice poem and yes trust is such a major factor in any relationship….without it there is nothing. Cheers Debx
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M  Avatar
Deb M
Date: 12/20/2021 9:13:00 PM
Keep writing them Hudson….you will get more comments. I find comments to be very encouraging and a real confidence boost and when your not super confident with your poetry it helps. Cheers Deb x
Hudson Avatar
Shirley Hudson
Date: 12/20/2021 6:30:00 AM
Actually I was stationed in the Army and people who call me Hudson doesn't phaze me at all I am really so upsed to it. My name is shirley. I don't have a whole lot of people that read my poem so when someone comments I am really really appreciative so thank you.
Date: 12/16/2021 3:11:00 PM
Hello Okegiegirlsrock, when a couple is married for a short time, a tripis planned. The husband wants to visit a family friend in Cubs. There he cheats on his wife. The trust is broken between them. The trip is wasted. Now tey must make the best of the trip. Hugs.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 12/18/2021 6:42:00 AM
Hello Okegiegirlsrock yes he pretended nothing happened. Yes the husband has to tell his wife he cheated. yes the trust was broken. He was not honest about it Nor did he say why he did it. Merry Christmas. Hugs
Hudson Avatar
Shirley Hudson
Date: 12/16/2021 6:11:00 PM
So he's going to actually pretend everything is ok even in his mind As he cheated on his wife. The husband needs to tell his wife that he cheated. Forget the trip it's not really important. Trust is gone but can still be honest and deal with your adultery. If you try and hids it it will eat you up

Book: Shattered Sighs