Broken Has My Number
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Broken Has My number
Broken has my number,
like an echo in the wind.
Calling sometimes now and then,
someone needs a friend.
Sometimes I try to look away
and I will not deny it.
But it just keeps on ringing
I don't know why I even try it.
I close my eyes up to the skies
and listen with my heart.
Then I hear as it draws near
a life's been torn apart.
Someones loved one passed away
or by love they've been betrayed.
Someone left their lover,
someone wishes they had stayed.
A child's turned and run away
and they're out there on their own.
A mothers heart is breaking,
she hates that they're alone.
A husband shared that he is scared
and it's about his wife.
The doctor says there's not much time
and she will lose her life.
I feel their pain it starts to rain
somewhere deep inside my soul.
And I then try to find a way
to change what I can't control.
Reaching out to broken hearts
no matter day or night.
Asking God to help them please
and bless these poems I write.
Edwin C Hofert
Copyright © Edwin Hofert | Year Posted 2015
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