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Bring Brring Telephone Calling

'BRRRING BRRRING' said the telephone “Oh hello” said the wide viewfinder to the telephone. “How are you today?” The telephone fell silent. Very silent. It had no battery with which to call, speak, shout or do anything that much really. Batteries could be bought. But bum batteries break. And so it often is not worth the finances really. A big vibrational shudder from the telephone. It so wished it could enter the era of before. And just have wires. Now the vibrational shudder could only be received by some vertical air currents. Hardly worth the pain and anguish of inserted wires and loops and hoops. And placement in rows upon rows upon rows of bleeping beeping green lights that glowed brightly upon displays. Bring the fashionable ones to the front then. The trends. The taught. The told. Oh how very annihilating then. Wires can be eaten and chewed away though. Thought the rabbit. Hopping behind the back of the sofa. Delighting at the view. HA! He thought. Then boinged away. Nowadays though there was no such view. And as an older rabbit he had told all of the bunnies about the fun to be had cutting the humans off from their technology. They all knew that technology would progress but simply would not have the same prowess as eating over 796 carrots over an acre of a farmer's field. Or building a warren. Many rooms. Many chambers. Inner. Internally. And that was a feat wasn't it? And so spoke the spokes from the trivet. Private though. Wouldn't want all warm pans to know and acknowledge all that was true. And so all was painted over and over again until all was left heavily swamped by so many layers that the true and righteous was left misunderstood and disregarded by the mass layers. Chewing on a chomp then. But a bar in a march is an armed marching display of many many acrid acreages of apple stained woe. And so it was such a day that the hare stood, the pinnacle pentacle prawn chased the sceptre shrimp. And not much fate was to be made out of the array of ingredients left to make a cake. Catalogue that then. Go on. It would be amazing now wouldn't it? How to bellow is often instructed in great rows. Lengths. Widths. But not heights. For heights are neither hefty heaping halogen herons having humorous humus and neither are they heaving hippopotami. Ok then. Fold then. Go on fold. Folding is a pleasant past time particularly at the weekend for the serviettes must be kept in nice neat orderly bundles then to be utilised as wiping instruments. Then just thrown away. Away. Simple is not a simpleton it is a shroud of a shark. And that's great isn't it? Ten biking buffaloes meat twenty motorcycling bugs and add to the balms but the balm from a palm is neither a tree nor a hand anyway so never ski in a semi corroded pan formed from the lightest sprays of steel stems. Laughter is the epitome of a phenomenon but not a psychic, poltergeist, or a polyester photogenic pea. The psychoanalytical potato only weaves once during a high wind. It makes a coat. A layered coat. No lacquer required for a halo hairdo. 8 9 10 Not a timed idea. Oh dear! Z Colepiocephale Z And a huge diagonal diamond X at forty seven grown ups giving nineteen turnips a present and a curry at the birthday of vegetables. 8 9 0 Z X peanut hat on a whirlwind ship shapes sinks, bathrooms and fashionable quantities of antiquities. Now then 100 % queued on doormats. X

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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