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{"bright Light"}

Bowing humbly, before "The Father of Light!" That I could gather in, the four corners of the earths wind To spread them out as a garment, before their vision As the stars within the firmament, across the night skies Transcending, this place and time.... These billowing clouds, that have showered these eyes! While I stand upon eternities edge Looking across this chasm, and down, into the valley below The piteous pangs of reverberating echoes, wistfully crying Pleading with Heavens, heart and soul To release their spirits, from this anguish inside This house of torment, that has marked their lives.... My outstretched hands, beckoning to the four winds To gather them in, before the end of days, forever arrives? My moment, my existence, my breath and my life Standing, with "Jesus Christ!" Speaking of tales, into my soul which has crossed Long ago, this barrier of flesh and bone.... Nothing has changed-it has always been the same From the days of Cain, unto this moments final edge Where upon We now stand, facing this wall of tumultuous tides Blackened curtains, of darkness' forever veiled desires Permeating, with showers of lightning, amid their approaching plight.... While the 'Children of Promise,' longingly await These forever breakings, of histories fetters and chains That have shackled their souls, unto the thorns of fate? 'Heavens Mighty Angels,' forever closing, 'This Book' That has dissolved within my hands As the 'Sprinkling of Blood,' trickled, upon my opened palms.... Above this valley, these outstretched arms, 'Nailed to "The Cross"' Standing with "Christ," and the 'Prophets of "Light!"' The 'Children of Tomorrow,' now, gathering in these four winds From the corners of this place-to cast them into their eyes The eye of the storm, that lies ahead.... Forever extinguishing its fire, within its smoldering ashes, of smoke Which shall never henceforth, ever, rise again!? As "The Precious Blood," trickles upon the valley Of times endless sea of "Souls" Echoing no more, with sounds of sorrow-'Paradise Restored' In "The Land of The Living".... To cast 'This Spear,' into the heart of the shadows, darkened demise! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {"Bright Light"}

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 12/26/2008 2:54:00 AM
A great write as always...Thank you for your cherished comments John...Your kind words bring joy =) Merry Christmas to you and yours...I don't really celebrate Christmas but feeling the joy of the ones who do is a pleasure to me...for it's always wonderful to still find value in what's truly valuable =) Take care of yourself..Always, Farah
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Date: 12/20/2008 5:19:00 AM
aww a beautiful write, a merry christmas to you too John, God bless you much love from diane
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Date: 12/17/2008 6:28:00 PM
I didn't feel obligated to answer her question. If you are concerned, I am not. I said I like it because she asks such random questions; she's not afraid to share who she is, not because of the question itself. Don't worry about me, I know who I am, and who I am in God's eyes. And I know God has some man picked out for me, I am not against any other kind of sexuality, but I'm not in favor of it, it's their choice. Anyway thanks for clearing that up. Blessings, ~Michaela~
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Date: 12/17/2008 6:03:00 PM
John this was amazing, as usual :) What did you mean by your last comment? I don't get it? ~Michaela~
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Date: 12/16/2008 12:44:00 PM
How are you? I absolutly love your poem!!! I was wondering if you could read my new poem/story. . Love Your Friend Alexz ^-^
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Date: 12/15/2008 11:10:00 PM
I hope this finds you well. Another powerful write but the end says it all for me. "Echoing no more, with sounds of sorrow...' beautiful phrase. Thank you for sharing your words, John. God bless you always Love Robin (Matt. 28:18-20)
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Date: 12/15/2008 3:51:00 PM
Amazing write John. The passion in this piece jumps off the page and hit me in the heart, conveying love and deep of understanding of the walk of life and what it entails. You are in a lovely place with your heart my friend. A place that only a minute amount of us every achieve. Great job!
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Date: 12/15/2008 3:05:00 PM
my brother because it is there that will shall have eternal love and peace praising our Lord the only true loving God of this sick world Jesus christ. Love for you John and the one's you love and care for Michael Torres
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Date: 12/15/2008 3:03:00 PM
John I felt compassion in this write and those that are lost and verly importantly stated thing's have not change as far as man is concern. So clever and inspirational. John Rhinem. Your spiritual lord Jesus inspired imagination comes through again and again. I hoope all is well with you and have peace and joy regardless of your work experiences I know it must be difficult to believe in humanity when you see what human's do to one another. In heaven we wont ever see that again. Rejoice my cont
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