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Brewing Rosie Lee

9I have a little drinking pot It’s been everywhere with me Ive used it every single day For brewing my Rosie Lee. I've looked after my pot With attention and care Its lovely brown patina Coating inside everywhere. It adds a certain depth To every single brew. Best pot care tradition, just One of those things you do. I’d quickly rinse my pot Every single day Just a cold water splash in The approved squaddie way Maybe just once a quarter A quick hot water soak Care of a man’s pot Just isn’t any joke Of course I wash the outside Morning noon and night So that it presents an exterior Gleaming hygienically white. I’m sat here in horror Unhappiness and despair Somebody’s washed my pot, The patina’s no longer there. The inside now is just A gleaming joskin white And I’ll swear on my boots Rosie Lee just don’t taste right. I know who went and did it But I don’t like to say So I’ve taken my little pot And hidden it away.. It may take months to restore it To its proper brewing state, But I’ve got infinite patience So I’ll just watch and wait As the brown slowly builds To cover the hideous white. I know it can’t be much longer Before my Rosie Lee tastes right. You can steal my girlfriend, Borrow everything I’ve got, But for pity’s sake please Don’t touch my brewing pot.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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