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* For my boy, Brandon, now 32 years old with kids of his own ... I love you so much, and I'm proud of what a big heart you have. *
They say ...
That babies don't smile
You were SO big when you were born - 11lbs 3ozs
And being VBAC, you had been through a lot in the birth canal
So you looked like a prize fighter after a heavyweight bout
Red and purple and bruised-looking, eyes squinted
You made no sounds, though ...
No crying or newborn complaints of any kind
You were as calm and peaceful as if you'd done it a hundred times
Like it was just another "first day of life"
They weighed you, cleaned you up
And then gave you to me to hold for the first time
They say babies don't smile
But you did ... oh, you certainly did
You opened your eyes and looked in mine
And smiled ... a lasting smile
Not a twisted cry or gas or mistaken expression
A true smile ... handsome, sweet, rugged
And I knew then you were special, very special
I knew then that I had witnessed ...
A miracle.
Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2018
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