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Brain Wash

According to Dr. Jennifer Clark, our students in our public school systems. And our colleges and universities are being brain washed and indoctrinated into the doctrine of Progressive Socialism. They are being brain washed into thinking that socialism and communism are part of a utopian society where every thing is provided for and is free. What they weren't being taught was that utopian societies are the unseen mask of domination and tyranny. Involving the complete destruction of our nation! The burning of Bibles in downtown Portland. The tearing down of crosses in Communist China! The burning of the American flag in downtown Portland! The burning of the American flag in radical Muslim nations! The violent protests which occurred in our city streets! The attack upon local police precincts in the Capital Hill area of downtown Seattle! The massive destructions of personal and private property. The confiscation of personal and private property in Communist and radical Muslim nations. The massive assignations of the civilian population. Clearly, Satan really is a Socialist! Forced conversion, indoctrination and brain washing equals ultimate control of our young people! In Communist nations children were instructed into the massive murder of their own parents! They were forced into slave labor camps and starved! We are eye witness to what is actually taking place! In these nations being held hostage by their own militarily and their own governments! Those self same nations want the western nations to experience their own hellish misery! The destruction of the churches in China proceeded by the monitoring and restrictions of churches. They want former Chinese Communist leaders to be worshiped as Gods! Thou shalt have no other gods before me! The Holy Trinity! They want to rewrite the Bibles and have the state worshiped as gods! Other ancient emperors also wanted to be worshiped as God such as Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. He had a golden statue of himself erected. Then he demanded it to be worshiped during playing of musical instruments! By demanding public worship by their hostage held citizens; they have incorporated the wrath of God upon those Communist parties. God must be waiting patiently for their "cups of iniquity to be full!" It is not too late for even them to become saved! The radical Muslim leaders by attacking Israel are inviting God's wrath! God help Israel! In Christ's Holy Name! Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea 1954 2/24/21

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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