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Boys Night In

Tonight there is a match on telly The lads are coming round most of them are married So my home is to be the neutral ground . If any of their wives ring I'm to pretend that I am deaf and they've all elected me to be head barman and chef. I've got Guinness and lager A crate or two of Yorkshire ale Newcastle brown and bitter So the booze just cannot fail . I've made three lovely shepherds pies but I asked the lads which veg I should use I've just been reading their replies Now I'm totally confused . One lad doesn't like cabbage Another doesn't like swede and it seems broccoli and cauliflower are members of a dying breed . The veg that the lads want From all the replies I've seen are lots of French fried onions and cans of Heinz baked beans . 12 drunken farting Yorkies My house would smell like an old cess pit So they'll get what their given They can take it or leave it . Lemon sole for starters Chocolate cheesecake for dessert and if I get a single complaint I'll kick them where it hurts.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 2/17/2014 3:53:00 AM
I love this hilariously funny poem Darren a poem of great depth into men escaping their spouses lol hugs
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/17/2014 6:44:00 AM
Thank you Shadow , My friends are sports fanatics , So a few beers , A plate of food and a good match to watch and they're in heaven . The married guys are funny though , It is they who demand we don't talk about wives or kids but a couple of beers later , They talk of little else.
Date: 2/16/2014 10:23:00 AM
I enjoyed this very much, Now I know what boys do on their night in. Sounds like a good party. Thanks for sharing... Lucilla
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/16/2014 10:55:00 AM
Eat drink and be merry Lucilla . Nothing sordid I assure you . We watched 2 football matches , First was brilliant , Second was like watching paint dry , lol Thanks for the kind comments.
Date: 2/15/2014 6:41:00 PM
Hahahahahahaha, I just cannot resist giving this work a "7"!...Too COOL! :-)...Hahahahaha Very amusing and entertaining piece DW...smilin'//Robert
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/16/2014 5:57:00 AM
Thank you Robert . It is rare these days that the old gang get together . Saturdays were always going to be a day for the boys when some of them married but they have been trained to think differently now , That's as it should be but I'd never tell the wimps that. lol
Date: 2/15/2014 9:23:00 AM
Hi Again , Darren: I enjoyed this poem as like you were doing a recipe Brit style! THANKS FOR SHARING THAT! Its been a long time since I'd been in England but I do recall the sheperd pies Great Write!
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/16/2014 6:15:00 AM
Ingredients 50g/2oz dripping 2 large onions, finely chopped 2 tbsp olive oil 900g/2lb minced lamb 2 tbsp plain flour 4 bay leaves 4 sprigs fresh thyme 2 tsp anchovy essence 2 small tins chopped tomatoes 4 tsp Worcestershire sauce 450ml/16fl oz chicken, beef or lamb stock salt and freshly ground black pepper For the mash 700g/1½lb potatoes 55ml/2fl oz milk 75g/3oz butter 1 free-range egg yolk
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/15/2014 10:09:00 AM
Thanks Ralph . One of the lads went to America last year and came back raving about something called a chicken fried steak , We all think he made it up , So I can't wait for his turn to cook.
Date: 2/15/2014 9:07:00 AM
What time shall I be over Darren?...sounds like a good time.....Tim
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/15/2014 9:14:00 AM kick off Tim . No mobile phones allowed and no peeing in the pot plants , lol

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