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Bots are not Real

bots are not real friends a “I” has a soul bots are not good buds you cannot see their eyes thus their highs and lows programmed to be informed about the kids whereabouts and find what lurks inside stay out of the light with a shadowy din a bot not unlike a ouija board could be unobviously a familiar spirit, a lesser god, a demon hidden within tin AI, artificially intelligent put your money on the other guy the way truth life The Creator I am not a bot you are not a bot you’re of a special lot one not made by human hands but held in high regard saved by a sacrifice a bot’s headed for the junk pile and his spirit for eternal damnation depend not on the oil can if the mouth moves you might fall for its deception

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/26/2025 11:42:00 PM
I feel the fear. Technology has been moving too fast. This poem contains a good warning. Much appreciated.
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 2/27/2025 3:27:00 AM
Thank you, Hilda! Our friends should be warm bodies. Hugs ~ Kim
Date: 2/26/2025 8:51:00 PM
The danger with bots is that they emulate you, copying your style of writing and mimic your vocabulary - much like a narcissist, it insidiously gets under your skin. That is the danger of any online communication as one is not always sure who (or what) we are talking to. A genuine smile is reflected in the eyes, something a narcissist and bots are incapable of. Some people, who are supposed to possess human traits, can be just as deceiving. Therefore, I keep my interaction to a minimum. XXX Su
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 2/27/2025 3:31:00 AM
Yes, at the end of your comment, you are right. The worse betrayal is of a person. It is all nefarious. You have a friend here…not a bot. Hugs ~ Kim
Date: 2/26/2025 12:00:00 PM
I am not all for this age of AI. Destroys creativity. Interesting write. :)
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 2/27/2025 3:33:00 AM
Right! AI is just imitating, as Suzette says. I try to show my grandkids a little poetry when they are with me. Hugs ~ Kim
Date: 2/26/2025 11:21:00 AM
I thought this was an interesting perspective—especially this part—“a bot not unlike a ouija board could be unobviously a familiar spirit, a lesser god, a demon hidden within tin” feels like a warning…. I like that comparison. Creeps me out a little. Always, Laura
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 2/27/2025 3:34:00 AM
Thank you, Laura. I think we should be creeped out. Hugs ~ Kim
Date: 2/26/2025 5:31:00 AM
What a great thought in your last lines, Kim. “If the mouth moves you might fall for its deception.” Bot or not.
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 2/26/2025 6:31:00 AM
Thank you, Lin!

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