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Boomer Remover

Here comes the Boomer remover, A geriatric hoover, come to sweep up your complacency And puncture your dismissivenes so don't dissolve into hissy fits, Or lectures on snowflake millennials, Your snide and tested perennials, 'End the lockdown now, Long live the new normal' is your siren cry, but another, better world is coming, It's no use trying to deny, The pulse of history is running, Out of your control, So be a part of the solution, you've got to choose your role, And reconnect with evolution, Now, tell me what's your 'verse? No point in trying to fake it We know nothing could be worse Than your 'business as usual' fits, No matter how beguiling; Ecocide must consume us, the original sin that leads to the fall, Is that the legacy of the boomers? So forget the status quo, too late now for reconciling, Sit down uncle, you're blocking my flow.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/9/2020 12:02:00 PM
I like this A LOT! (gen X sense of humour) ;),
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Sherlock Avatar
Huw Sherlock
Date: 5/11/2020 5:30:00 AM
Thanks Maureen, it's only doggerel which is help dispel my darker feelings during this current disaster. For reference it takes aim at the boomer mentality rather than the demographic!

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