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Bonedeep Lonely

Imprisoning textures and routine lectures in loneliness, "your own fault" "not Other's loss" blame shame dipolar co-arising Loneliness effacing cognitive/affective reason and denying access to more social future seasons Including primal memories of self-appreciation self-sufficiency communication resource-fullness, And yet, and yet, Beneath such reasonable busyness, when I can sustain opulent MeWe identity, Even so, even so, EgoWe remains curiously distinct, courageously Not Othered, curiously not yet Othering Embracing peak biosystemic health, abstractly known integrity falls short of panentheistic lust specifically touched sensory and sacredly sexual mystery Mysterious loneliness sees, smells, hears, tastes, appreciates deeply depreciates absence of fully embodied love touches of verbal sound, of nonverbal skin hair fingers toes and other shyer shows. Loneliness knows opulent warm textures and peak sensory beauty Effaces more theoretical reasons win/win for co-empathic healthy seasons Of nurturing resonant, full-embodied resilient, Self/Other recombinant transubstantiating panentheistic full-color wealth, PolyPathic PolyPhonic PolyCultural PolyVagal not yet climate loneliness chronic traumatizing despair Including multiculturally evolving SelfAppreciation BioOrganic revolving SelfSufficiency CoOperative involving resource-fullness.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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