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Body Mind, and Spirit Triage Co Opted

Body, Mind, And Spirit Triage Co-Opted Viral microbes didst relish meaty morsel feast hyperbole (included greased for dramatic effect) ceased not, but linkedin constituent facets increased with right wing conspiracy of mine physical health least up to par today found me writhing, asper like a wounded beast. I feel as if giant size (yes...with closed eyes try to see) nasty bugaboos did invade me, and shrunk down yours truly prithee, (this from gorging on one not so heavy corporeal doddering entity) si, whose light humors opposite of glee, thus envision this bard, granting himself woolworth truevalue as a flea to continue poetic tale (agonizing sham “FAKE” rocked Leprechaun) on microscopic scale essentially, a myopic seek reacher relative of Spongebob, the latter hale ling from Bikini Bottom, whose absence aye still bewail, especially his misfortune sail ling from toilet bowl into water treatment plant leaving sopping wet trail of eyes rubbed red, which sadness happens to this male, when he experiences invisible nine inch nail piercing vital organs with no energy to wail. Mind boggling to this scribe how itty bitty organisms can imbibe every last drop of vitality, describe epidemic, which if blithely ignored more virulent parasites could affect the entire human tribe fallout nearly as complete approximately bajillion years ago, an unimaginable feat asteroids crashed Earth generating temperatures greater than Miami heat surface with scarring and beat meteoric plowed shares into swords whereby predominant species huge lumbering beasts uttered holy sheet or a similar facsimile thereof similar to poet reduced to (of course) NON GMO gluten free shredded wheat resembling chopped liver after trampled by Little Feet!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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