Bob Dylan Is Great
Bob Dylan is great
And he is real mate
He started out like Woodie Guthrie
But only roughly
He told us the answer was in the wind
He was all so thin
He went electric and creative
It went hectic and stimulative
He was called Judas and booed off stage
The crowds were in a rage
He fell off his motorbike
And things changed again with a strike
He hid in a basement
Curing his ailment
Then he returned to the watchtower
With even more power
He knocked on heaven's door
And he was back to his fore
He split with Sara
And made a movie about a Clara
There was blood on the tracks
But he reached a new climax
He got lost in religion
And hovered around like a pigeon
He took a slow train
And soon started to regain
He became a shooting star
No signs of any scars
Even though the world had gone wrong
He still sang his song
Then came 'Time out of Mind'
Nothing like it of any kind
Lots of things had changed
But in a sense it was just rearranged
Roll on Bob
But watch your fob
Then came the Nobel Prize
For us it was no surprise
Bob Dylan is Great
And bloody real mate
Bob Dylan is great
Bob Dylan is unreal mate
Copyright © George Christos | Year Posted 2018
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