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Boats At High Tide

Poet's Notes

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raging, inviting. Inscrutable ice King Neptune's daughter, her moods are water You won't dive into the same ocean twice She'll make you think it's your net that has caught her Catch and release is her patent device Wives tales have brought her whales to the slaughter You'll receive notice of your sacrifice on paper she folds into boats at high tide Each kiss that she blows grows to gale at shoreline She weighs on the scale that you chose to define She's the grate of the sand. She's the dock. She's the bank She will wait on dry land and watch you walk the plank In their wake, sharks leave trails with their fins in the brine but the trident that pins you makes marks you can't find and impaled, you give in to each heartbreaking tine yet forget every time that you sank ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 3/26/2021 6:36:00 AM
Captan Hook would approve of this clever use of metophor.
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Date: 1/23/2021 10:22:00 AM
Hi Lycia, this I love the internal rhyme and the unexpected structure of the end rhymes too, it does remind me of a boat bobbing on the waves - and that heart breaking last line - am making a Fave~
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Lycia Harding
Date: 1/27/2021 9:05:00 PM
Thank you, Michelle! Xoxo LyLy

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry