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BLOCKAGE A flow of words might slow to a trickle Especially as inspiration can be so fickle Emotional bubbles may burst and explode As phrases tumble from the mother lode And rhymes and devices fall into place It won’t take too long to fill that space They say words flow from the heart Yet the brain has a role at the start The priority is to get it on the page It’s a slower process at a certain age But the well might one day run dry And may mean no tears left to cry It’s always the point to share meaning Hiding messages should deny preening If only every verse spoke out clearly Maybe saying, I do love you dearly Multiple stanzas is the usual convention And like any good plot, it builds tension Sometimes the right word just won’t play Le mot juste, as the French would say A verse might pivot on such a locus As the writer struggles to maintain focus Then, like placing a missing jigsaw piece It fits the gap neatly to then bring peace

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 9/14/2022 7:21:00 AM
"like placing a missing jigsaw piece" - Great comparison. Congratulations!
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