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Blind Me

blind me in ports to see building on my legacy as exist each port to see we are all high you see sleeping on the Boergeos Sea heading into an odyssy he beat far to slow stand still to repeat, an see the likes of Jimmy Page leaning to age; stregnthened by merchant climatic claim that alwas seems the same store are nails within a drawer always stays the same but I can't complain take off your shoes going to sing the blues down a miracle passage you may be after yesterday may be a voodoo child trust as the brainwork guide to a present wild Charismatic Keith Green never crumbled within paper ride from outside a glide some stayed glued to the t.v. while he buiding forth hit me to my knees we can see a miracle floating inside of me, in each of us swayed the sane tide serpeant to a guide to guide from all the reporters chime in onto second base season fill me up from above to the method nor message of love inside me hide from the sorts you can lean from our methods the unique surface embark on there is a window one could see looking out to reach mass history you have to be real searching forth the wheels to steal; stretch forth the common thread stay in tuned tiny brother not just any wanna be lover take a pictue from each other page was turned to disgover

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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