Blessings of the Lord
Day by day we perceive the blesssings of the Lord,
The snowy day that reminds us about the blessings of warmth and friendship,
Friendship that is distant and always remembered,
Miracles that are difficult to define,
A church and portals that you used to visit,
Structures beautiful, unique and powerful,
Hymns sung and bible verses read,
Choirs where the bells ring and the songs are sung,
Ministers preaching the wisdom of God,
Relatives forever loved and protected by the Lord,
Blessed reunions and visits redefined,
Talents shared and appreciated,
The Lord's poet blessed by God's friendship,
Athletic strength as a senior guided by God,
Royalty sacred and divine, a blessing to mankind.
Author: Gwen Meyer-Erlach Schutz
Copyright © Gwen Von Erlach Schutz | Year Posted 2013
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