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Black and Blue- -

I am a Son of an African American I run my turmoils taints the history books yet people give me evil looks I run I choose Yet I am Black and blue, this is my physical hurt Been given a name by my parents James This is true yet still I'm black and blue I live I guess I'm more than this More bless than cursed Black and blue, mentally also hurt What am I Who are you Who made us Who loves and hates me Simultaneously I live I guess I'm more than this More bless than cursed Black and blue, mentally also hurt Been hurt by my non black brothers Been denied by my mother and fathers? Whom am I to squabble What trues, what matters Still hurt by my kindred and non-kin brothers Because of my color My emotions been riddled and torn My faith reborn, yet in this prejudice; I've never been physically hurt
They say Sticks and Stones may break your bones But words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you (only if you let, those negative words of untruth reside in your mind and soul) words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you you dum,you ain't gonna amount to nothing you ugly you unpretty you're fat you gonna eat that you ain't nothing, your black get back you from the tracks why you look that that what's you doing here look at them cloths you wear you poor you ain't gonna amount to nothing sit in the back you stink, you smell guess what you don't do what i preach you goin ta hell
The worst pain one can claim is to be scared and be maimed By the be belittling and being called out of one's holy name Yeah! tha means you there...BOY I am of the generations of Black and Blue Not only casue of the scars I'm not just talkin physical cues This verse bout' imprisonment of the soul/mind About being unkind Black in blue Words of misuse and untruths Purposely hurting another human being Because, just cause you kind Places power (you think) in your head Yes, a tooth ache hurts Yes! so does child birth Yes a broken arm and a bruise leg And an ear ache A cut finger with a knife But what about those tough spirits and emotions those non physical threats Bet you didn't know this The worst pain one can claim, being African is to be scared and be maimed By the be belittling and being called out of one's holy name Yeah! tha means you there...BOY What am I Who are you Who made us Who loves and hates me Simultaneously I live I guess I'm more than this More bless than cursed Black and blue, mentally also hurt Been hurt by my non black brothers Been denied by my mother and fathers? Whom am I to squabble What trues, what matters Still hurt by my kindred and non-kin brothers Because of my color My emotions been riddled and torn My faith reborn, yet in this prejudice; I've never been physically hurt
They say Sticks and Stones may break your bones But words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you (only if you let, those negative words of untruth reside in your mind and soul) words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you words will never hurt you and the name calling anything but James this name my mama and daddy and grandma gave me Still trapped in a spiritual Slave camp trapped yet still full of forgiveness; Black and Blue not physical Black and Blue only physiological, a bit spiritually also Been in a race riot, but never been hurt beaten nor shot at... Fallen off a ladder, fallen down staris A pull a tug to much can cause pain on your hair If it's to long, doesn't matter short, still hurts Yes, I may even die on day or be alive when blood flows down the streets Jesus decent from the skies, or I'll cry on my pillow to sleep words will never hurt you (only if you let, those negative words of untruth reside in your mind and soul) words will never hurt you Yet, why you let me choose You see I be no longer.... Physically or Mentally nor Spiritually BLACK AND BLUE.... 12/1/19 written by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019 Written for class November 27, 2019 assignment (WIPS) North Omaha Writers Group (NOW)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 12/3/2019 12:01:00 PM
Powerful, poignant, beautifully... sad... uplifting and solemn... so much... so much... ... ... ... reading again... ... ... Truly wise. Ann
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James Edward Lee Sr.
Date: 12/3/2019 12:40:00 PM
Thank you Ann, you're also wise and kind.. Write on James

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry