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I continue to await wisdom the sagacity I was assured would come with age For the rough edges of life to be worn smooth over time like the teeth of a newly cut key Turning each page of my story in anticipation of the plot progressing past the painful parts mixed with the mundane Somehow I’ve remained sane despite the bullying and abuse the disillusion and disappointment believing there must be some sort of sacred meaning to my existence after enduring such suffering which would be revealed eventually like clear cerulean sky after the rain awakens fragrant flowers to bloom permeating the air with their perfume that it would all lead to something beautiful by my next birthday every year on the twenty third of May

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 5/24/2022 2:16:00 PM
Happy belated birthday Angela. Your words resonate. Blessings xxoo
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry