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Bird of Love and Loyalty

Stork flights in unison To teach unity to every person Holding the neck extended Aligning the body as if amended With legs pushed behind To cope with blowing wind With wide wingspan like the glider In a well-defined order Hover with one, as leader Of course, watching is a wonder With the flame of foresight, Stork sets own nest on height Bears young ones into the wing Benevolently while growing With wings, provides shade to the young chick So that they could learn to pick Causes to clatter to communicate About the impending threat, to indicate Maintains link with the group To get the team spirit, recoup Revisits the old-aged-mother To attend to issues that may bother Cares the mother, with fresh feed As the mother may need Stork is a bird of highest spirituality In Hebrew, stork means love and loyalty! Above poem is from “EAGLE EDUCATES ENDURANCE! AND OTHER POEMS ON NATURE ” by Shri.V.Muthumanickam.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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